RESILIENT AS FUDGE by Dr. Glenda Rivoallan

Resilient As Fudge is the book I had to write! I didn't have a choice...

I needed to find a way to release the stories, experience, knowledge and wisdom within me to serve others. To give them the gift that I wish I'd had when I was younger. 

I found myself asking the question: Why are we made to feel guilty when we do things for ourselves?

In reality, looking after our own physical and mental health is not a selfish act. It's something we must all get comfortable doing in order to show up as the best version of ourself. 

The ideas, concepts, tools and techniques in this book were lifesavers for me and, in sharing these, my wish is that they will offer you the guidance, shifts and transformation you seek. 

RESILIENT AS FUDGE launched on 19 October 2023

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"The purpose of our lives is to be happy."

This famous quote by the Dalai Lama helps us to recognise how our own patterns of self-sabotage, negative beliefs and behaviour patterns overshadow the simplicity and beauty of our human existence. 

Resilient as Fudge is a down-to-earth, practical and visual resource designed to help you in building your own resilience blueprint and tool kit to improve your wellbeing and happiness and to help you thrive and be successful - however that looks for you.

It's a hands-on guide intended to help you cope with the uncertain, unpredictable and high stress world we now find ourselves in.

Because we all deserve happiness in our lives: to live and work well. We all deserve to be as RESILIENT AS FUDGE!


Legend has it that fudge was invented in America on Valentine’s Day in 1886 when a confectioner 'fudged' a batch of French caramels.

The delicious result: the very first batch of 'fudge' ever!

Just like fudge, becoming resilient is all about trial and error, learning from our mistakes, figuring out the perfect recipe: combining different ingredients to help you maintain healthy thinking, healthy feelings and healthy actions.

To be resilient is to have a balance of both firmness and softness - just like fudge.

28 years of pushing & striving took their toll on my physical and mental health

Having been on a long and winding journey of self-discovery and personal growth, I now realise how much I used my outward success as a type of armour to cover the challenges, stress and pain inside of me. I'd created a life that looked amazing to others from the outside, but inside I wasn't feeling happy or fulfilled. 

Do you put on a front to the world too?

I now know that the traditional view of being an entrepreneur was a fantastic antidote to the dysfunctional aspects of my life. It was a form of escapism.

But it’s no longer like that… I am now as Resilient as Fudge!

With this book, I hope to help people who resonate with my journey and who feel overwhelmed, stuck, unsure of their future direction or just generally burnt out.


In Resilient As Fudge, I will teach you The 4 Attitudes of Resilience and guide you through the process of reconnecting with your inner strength and guiding force. 


True wellbeing, resilience, and your ability to thrive begin with absolute awareness. When you become aware of what makes you YOU and all that sustains and derails you, you're then in a strong position to do something about it. 


Where there is intention, there is attention. Once we've developed our self-awareness, the second attitude of resilience is setting intention for the life you want. Resilient people bring to their intention and attention hope, optimism and belief. 


When we're brave enough to be unashamedly honest about ourselves, to drop our ego and face the reality of how we contribute to our own suffering, this opens up possibility, opportunity and change. By facing your fears, limitations and vulnerabilities, you bring the transformational power of knowledge. 


There is nothing more empowering than knowing you hold the chisel to carve out the life you want. With total responsibility you can control so much more than you ever realised. When we stop playing the blame game we can step out of the hamster wheel. 


Dr. Glenda Rivoallan is a speaker, author, leader, Master Coach and serial entrepreneur with decades of professional experience in the wellbeing and fitness industries.

Glenda is passionate about empowering individuals, organisations and teams to build resilience to experience greater happiness and success.

A vibrant, inspirational, compassionate and self-confessed people person, Glenda thrives on the transformational work she does with clients and the connections and collaborations she creates with like-minded professionals across the world. 



Resilient as Fudge by Dr. Glenda Rivoallan launched on 19 October 2023.

Buy the book using the link below.

"Investing in my own wellbeing and learning to appreciate the importance of maintaining my resilience enables me to face and navigate anything life throws at me.

With this book, I hope to help people who resonate with my journey and who feel overwhelmed, stuck, unsure of their future direction or just generally burnt out." - Dr. Glenda Rivoallan



“Like fudge, to be resilient is to have YOUR own unique balance of firmness and softness, realism and optimism, rationality and emotionality, doing or being.”

In this 60 minute webinar we will explore the importance of resilience using the Resilient as Fudge method. We will uncover the richness of being resilient and learn the Resilient as Fudge attitudes of mindset, the resilience skillset and the resilience toolset required for thriving. 

During this session we will learn using:

  • The power of imagery and story telling
  • An interactive and practical workbook
  • Group Q&A session
  • Each participant will also get a signed copy of the book (max. 50 copies) which includes 52 weekly lifesaver activities

Why not give your team the chance to taste what it's like to be as Resilient as Fudge!



As an accomplished international speaker and expert in resilience coaching, I am passionate about delivering inspiring and empowering talks that drive profound shifts and transformation for everyone who attends. 

My keynote presentation 'Resilient as Fudge' is popular with corporate organisations and groups who understand the power of equipping their teams with the skillset, toolset and techniques required to build and increase a resilience mindset.